We started developing the electric mountain bike in February 2008 based on an Orange 222 frame, using the Heinzmann rear electric motor and their 9.8Ah battery.



The first 'serious' electric mountain bike was launched on 17th October 2009 it is still running, see ‘bike's log’ page for a continuous update of ride outs.



The battery was too small, although you could eke out the life with 'economy' mode, to about 1 1/2 hours, the fun part was when 'economy' was switched off. We thought the 'strap on' batteries that sit on carrier frames were far too flimsy for serious rough riding, so opted to make our own.

My name is Peter Cole (that's John in the picture, not me) the battery is the fuel source similar to the coal box with steam! Hence we call the battery the cole-box.


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