I don't expect you to plough through all of this but it will give you a feel as to how these bikes behave in all conditions, so I will log in every time I take my bike out. My bike is the first to have our cole-box fitted and has been running since 17th October 2009. No log was kept of the early rides (I didn't think about it). Often the photos will show Paul, a regular cycling mate, on his own bike but my bike will be there, just behind the camera! Paul's bike is the original Orange 222  shown in the 'history' page but fitted with a cole-box and often refered to in the log as the '222', mine as 'Pat 66'.

You will notice the 222 in particular, 'trips out' (the electrics shut off) a lot at the beginning. This was rectified firstly by changing the wheel size from 26” to 24”, the same as the Pat 66. This gave slightly lower gearing and therefore easier on the motor. Then, much later, we alter the circuit board to stop ‘spiking’, the battery is protected from high input or output voltage and will close down when threatened!

The motor has a built in heat sensor and will switch off the power if it is overloaded. This is a design feature in order to protect the motor from burning out. Friends have commented on my honesty and the need to show this happening in the video clips. Any motor asked to give more power than the continuous rating (more than 200W in this case) will get hot. Trying to move an 80kg man plus bike up a hill for any length of time will cause the motor to get hot. There may well be motors out there that don't trip out and will keep going for longer and probably get hotter but I personally like the peace of mind that I cannot damage this one! It takes about 4 minutes to cool off and I can play again.

We give a summary of the miles ridden and the time with the bikes. The time may seem long for the mileage but often we are reading a map, messing with a Sat Nav, opening gates, always putting the world to rights, or chatting to farmers etc. We also include the final voltage reading, we have accurate voltmeters on the 222 and Pat 66 but unfortunately, unlike lead acid batteries, lithium batteries tend to keep the voltage high until the last half hour and then they drop off very fast. See the graph below.

For this reason I now use a Watt Meter which will accurately record the amp hours (Ah) as they are used. In theory the battery is 28Ah, in practice it managed 29.4 Ah before it shut down. The battery is designed to close down when the volts get low to avoid damage to the cells. My average use is 1Ah every 10 minutes so I can gauge how much time is left pretty accurately.

Incidentally, if you look at the logs from 3rd December 2011 onwards, we started using a headcam camera and are putting links on to YouTube. We can't do this for every ride as it takes too long to edit.  When you are on the YouTube page you can click on the 'go back one page' arrow, top left corner, to get back to this page.

Saturday 6 February 2010

 Local ride to Towersey via Stevens’ Field 

.... miles          only 2 hours


 Very very muddy.  222 ok, Pat 66 stopped, too slow and not flinging mud off.  Electric motor drives through mud well but Pat 66 gradually grinds to a halt – needs new mudguard.  


Tuesday 2 March 2010

Solderton to Clifton and back

... miles           4 hours

Volts never went below 34v

 Alan fell off or stopped many times!  Very muddy but bikes coped well. 

222 had no mudguard but chain is well clear of tyre so no mud was carried to the front sprocket. 

Pat 66 – new (workshop) mudguard worked well.


 Saturday 6 March 2010

 Somerton to King’s Sutton                

24 miles           5 hours

222 down to 30v with Paul riding

Pat 66 down to 32v with Peter riding

Pat 66 stopped twice in morning for no reason, just closed down (no lights) started after pressing start button with no waiting time.  No problems in the afternoon.  Possible loose plug?  Good fast ride with Paul.  Possible cause of extra time on battery life was reading the map!


 13 March 2010

Deddington, Barford St Michael, South Newington, Duns Tew, Middle Aston, Somerton to Deddington.

19.2 miles (32km)        4 ¼ hours

34 volts

Very rough, many parts would be impossible without an electric motor as the horse lifts were very bad, no mechanical problems.


 21 March 2010

Somerton to Great Tew

11.6 miles am, 21 miles after lunch.  Approx 5 ½ hrs riding - GPS says 4 ½ hrs

Blocked back wheel on Pat 66 due to wedge effect into mudguard behind front derailleur, 222 ok – just.  Very sticky clay mixed with old stubble caused a problem but soon cleared when on a grass lane and after digging it out! No real problem with Pat 66 mudguard, gears stayed fairly clean all day.  Only mud was from the chain picking it up from deep ruts.  Maximum speed (according to the GPS) was 31mph!!  Pat 66 battery closed down with only ¼ mile to go.  222 ok at 33.5 volts.  Pat restarted and ran on economy mode.  Think the soft ground after serious rain the day before causes a lot of drag and more load on the motor to push the bikes along – accounts for lower mileage.


 Saturday 3 April 2010

Moreton to Princess Risborough up Kop Hill through wood to Hampden House, Gt Hampden (pub), up through Monkton Wood, Lacey Green and back to Phoenix way.

27 miles (45km)           3 hours


Muddy, difficult at times, no problems.

 10 April 2010

Moreton, Towersey, Ilmer, The Ford, Bledlow, Lodge Hill, Bledlow Ridge, Town End, Hedgerly Wood, Top Crowell Hill, cut across to Coal Road, Stokenchurch   (pub) straight home, Aston Rowant, Copcourt, Tetsworth.

26.4 miles (44km)        3 hours

35+ volts finish

Tried getting up Hedgerley Wood, stopped as worried about Mike on 222 which overheated (must try this again as sure Pat 66 can do it). Both bikes tripped out over very rough, but not taxing, muddy ground.



 Saturday 17 April 2010

Aldbury, Ashridge to Potten End and back then north to Beacon Hill, Ivinghoe, Aldbury Nowers and Aldbury.

24 miles (40km)   4 hours

35+ volts at finish.

 222 tripped twice but restarted straight away, no other problems. 



 Monday 19 April 2010

Nettlebed to Russell’s Water, Cookley Green, Digberry Lane.

35km                4 hours riding with John

 222 tripped twice but restarted, overheated twice had to wait the 5 mins.  Seems Pat 66 has the edge on hills and has just that extra power to avoid overload (using 24” wheel on Pat, 26” on 222), no other problems.



Tuesday 20 April 2010

Spelsbury to Chadlington, Churchill, Kingham and back via Sarsden House and Fairgreen Farm.

24km                2 hours riding with Lynda

35volts +

 222 cut out twice – not the overload. 



Saturday 24 April 2010

Cookley Green, Crocker End, Bix, Satwell, Hazel Grove, Peppard Hill (good pub) Hook End, Stoke Row, Nuffield, Park Corner, Russell’s Water and back. 

27 miles (45km)                       5 ½ hours


Lot of map reading.  No problems with Pat 66, 222 cut out twice, taped up the plug – still cut out, taped motor plug near end of ride.  Try that next time!!



Friday 30 April 2010

Nettlebed start, Satwell, Hood End, Stoke Row.

20 miles (33km)                       4 hours +

35 volts+.

No problems except 222 cut out twice. 



 Monday 3 May 2010

21 miles (35km)                       5 hours

With John, put the original Heinzmann battery on the 222. It did not cut out on the ‘test’ hill after three rides up it. Refitted the 28 Ah battery, 222 cut out on hill - must be the battery then!



Sunday 23 May 2010

Swalcliffe,  Balscoe, North Newington, Lower Tadmarton, Swalcliffe, Epwell, Lower Brailes, Bardrop and back.

25m (42km)      4 ½ hours (Sat Nav says 3 hrs 50 mins moving)


Very hilly, very rough.  Both bikes tripped out 3 or 4 times each on very rough slight inclines.  No other problems.  Hot day 28o C may have a contribution.


Saturday 26 June 2010

The Dairy, Towersey, Ilmer, Midshires Way, Asket, Gt Kimble, Pulpit Wood, Coombe Hill, Dunsmore, Gt Missenden, Gt Hampden, Parslows Hillock, Princess Risborough, Phoenix Way.

29 miles


Hot day.  No problems.  One trip out on 222 on very steep hill.

Saturday 17 July 2010

Enstone and Charlbury.

29 miles                       5 ½ hours (3 hrs riding)


 Very hot day, no problems, 222 tripped out twice.



 Saturday 24 July 2010

Stokenchurch, Pishill, Russells Water, Cookley Green, Ridgeway.

36 miles (60km)


Hot day.  222 tripped twice, Pat66 would have got up Chinnor Hill to car park but had to wait for 222.

Thursday 5 August 2010

Ellesborough village Hall, long way up to Monument Hill (Coombe Hill) to Wendover, joined canal, Pub at Buckland, canal under A41 onto Tring Road Byway up to Paris Wood, Ridgeway back to Barnwood, Kingash Road – King’s Lane, cross A413 up onto South Bucks Way, Dunsmore and back to Ellesborough.

23 miles (38km)


222 cut out, over hot motor, 3 or 4 times!!  Was John really pedalling?  Pat 66 no problems.


Wednesday 18 August 2010

Moreton, Phoenix Way to Princes Risborough.  Hailey Farm to Bampden House towards Mobwell (above Great Missenden) turn left past Furze Wood, turn right under railway bridge, Leather Lane, Hunts Green to the Lee – return via road, right at Hunts Green, Bowood Lane, Cobblers Hill lane to Hampden bottom, Great Hampden, Parslows hillock, Phoenix Way. 

32 miles ( (53km)                     3 hours


Fast pace, 222 overheated twice, Pat66 fine (must be 24” wheel).



3 September 2010

Moreton, Ilmer, Owlside, Askett, Pulpit Wood, Low Scrubs, Dunsmore, Cobblers Hill, cross A413 to the Lee, lunch (good), King’s Ash, Boswells Farm (turned back down drive!), Dunsmore, Scrub Wood.  Little Hampden Common, Honor End Farm, Bampden House, Parslows Hillock – good new lane at Wardrobes past The Old House to Brimmers Road, Ridgeway to Crowel Hill, Sydenham – road plus Phoenix home.

50 miles                       7+ hours (4 1/2 moving)

Pat66 33V

Pat66 broke a spoke, 222 cut out  3 times (hot motor) and flat tyre and dog shit!  222 ran out of battery hence road and Phoenix Way home.          



25 September 2010

Cookley Green, Nettlebed, Woodcote (College Wood) and return.

32 miles                       3 ½ hours moving - out for 6 hours.

222 – first day with 24” wheel, gear cluster with extra large sprocket, new holding bolt for motor.  Pat66 + 222 with extra bearing in gear cluster to stop axle bending (Pat66 had bent axle).  Both bikes tripped out temporarily over uphill rough ground although later in day did not, even over very rough track (Russell’s Water to Cookley Green) neither motor overheated.  Seems to have solved 222 problem of cutting out.

Saturday 9 October 2010

Whichford, Todenham, Shipston on Stour, Honington Oxhill, Upper Brailes, Sutton under Brailes.

30 miles                       3 hours morning – out for 6 hours

222 was fine, Pat66 overheated twice – could be me!  Confused with gears at least 222 seems to be sorted now.  Ground was very soft, hard going.

Saturday 13 November 2010

Aldworth, Ashampstead, Ashhampstead Common.

35 miles

Pat66 tripped twice, very rough and muddy.



Tuesday 28 December 2010

Harefield area, Old Coach Lane.

17 miles                       2 hours 20 mins morning time.


Very cold.   No problems.


Tuesday 18 January 2011

Lay Hill (east of Chesham)

17 – 22 miles guess

Very cold, not freezing (2ͦ c), very wet.  Pat66 tripped out 2-3 times; 222 once.  Brake pads on Pat’s rear wheel broke up! Puncture on 222.



Thursday 27 January 2011

Ley Hill, Orchard Leigh, Berkhampstead, found good Byway from Cress Farm (east of Berkhampstead) to Berkhampstead + good lane near Heath End to Hawridge Common.  Back through Ashley Green,  Moors Farm and Ley Hill. 

38 miles                       5+ hours

Pat66 tired! Lost power, battery switched off, had to limp home last 2 miles (brakes were binding very slightly and also took off mudguard as suspect clay drag’s near tyre).  222 very perky.



Friday 29 January 2011

North east of Banbury.  Start at Thorm, Eydon, Woodford Halse, Byfield close to Cropredy).

37 miles

222 kept tripping off.  Swopped batteries with Pat66 then no problems.  Very lucky ground was frozen as very muddy, 60+ gates!! Slightly boring ride but with some very interesting villages and manors.  Fields of Polo ponies.  Tried wearing welly boots, thick socks + waterproof socks – marvellous, feet warm all day!


Saturday 19 March 2011

North east of Banbury.  Started Upper Boddington to Priors Hardwick, Wormleighton, Marston Doles, Chapel Green, Priors Marston for lunch, round Hellidon, Charwelton, Byfield and back.

31 miles                       3 ¾ hours running time, out for 6 ½ hours.

Sunny, lovely day 10ͦ C, 222 tripped 3x before lunch, no problems after.  Both overheated once at same time (soft terrain and slightly uphill) and tripped at same time twice in day. 71 f....ing gates!!  Both ran out of battery power with 2 miles to go.  Think constant stop/starts may drain batteries.


Friday 1 April 2011

North east of Banbury.

29 miles

222 kept tripping off.

Sunday 17 April 2011

North east of Banbury.

222 kept tripping off then finally stopped driving (started to keep going with no throttle!!) then sounded like motor driving but not turning wheel – suspect sprag clutch.


Saturday 23 April 2011


30 miles

Fitted new hub gear with sprag clutch.  No cutting out except for one steep bit with 222 (much better).



26 April 2011

Change to old motor in 222.  To check it was the sprag clutch problem and not the motor.  Done – sprag seems to be the problem.



28 May 2011

Ridgeway, Nettlebed.

47 miles                       4 hours morning

35.4V left.

No problems.



Tuesday 21 June 2011

Boughton-on-the-Hill, Blockley, Campden, Dulverton Wood, Snowhill (lunch) Stanton, Stanway, Taddington, Hindwick, Bourton Farm House and woods.

30 miles


Very hilly, had to push bikes (with motor on) up Shenbarrow Hill, both overheated twice  later, Paul’s 222 cut out 3 or 4 times, Patt66 once.  We were both knackered.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Ascot-under-Wychwood, Bledington, Lower Oddington, Kingham (pricey pub).

15 miles approx                      

3 miles out after lunch and Paul suggests I drop back wheel when spinning to see if it cuts off as his does.  It doesn’t.!  Just brakes sprags clutch!  Paul has to tow me part of way home.  Sprag has jammed open, so have to keep motor spinning at same speed as bike otherwise drag from motor.



Saturday 6 August 2011

Pat 66 now fitted with a watt meter

Ascot-under-Wychwood – same as above but this time got round.

45 miles                      Paul's Sat Nav said 4 ¾ hours ridiing

222 battery ran out for last 1½ miles. Last reading from watt meter on Pat66 said we had used 16Ah then both bikes tripped off twice, this wipes off the reading!! Recorded another 8.44 Ah guess we used at least 26Ah – a pain. 

Sunday 21 August 2011

Start Ibstone, Cadmore End, Frieth, Hambledon, Southend.

30+ miles

 Tripped out early on, so lost exact watt meter reading, used 16Ah.  222 tripped 3 or 4 times and overheated twice.l


Thursday 15 September 2011

From the Dairy, Phoenix way, Skittle Green to Red Lions at Bledlow.  Up to Ridgeway turn left to road turn right and straight past Lodge Hill (on left) turn right up to Bledlow Ridge (Haw Lane) straight over to bottom Road, turn right Bennett End, Crowell Wood, Crowell Hill, Crowell, Sydenham and home. 

Approx 20 miles

With John’s new black and green Pat66 which overheated in Crowell Wood. My Pat66 no problems.



Friday 16 September 2011

Ley Common (West of Chesham)

Guess 45 miles                        28Ah ?             9.30am to 6pm!

Out with Tony and new white Pat66.  Battery box was lose on Tony’s bike, pedals kept hitting sump plate pivot point, bolts had not been tightened up, piss poor production!  I used the first new battery with an altered circuit board – went up ‘Tony’s test  hill’ no problems. Tony’s bike, with old battery, tripped out on it.

When last checked the watt meter it showed 19Ah but the battery ran out and closed down before the Heinzmann management box therefore wiped off all info ¼ mile before the end!! 

Sunday 18 September 2011

From Nettlebed to Crocker End, Bix, Lambridge Wood to Henley, out Pack and Prime Lane, the Paddock, Blounts Farm (Sonning Common) wood by Horse Pond Road, Kidmore End, Hodmore Farm, right up through woods to Woodcote, down to Whitchurch Hill, up through woods to A4074, back down and out by B4526.  North east to Greyhome Wood, Stoke Row, Nott Wood, Deadman’s Lane, Nettlebed woods to Crocker End.

43 miles


222 tripped out once.  No other problems except Pat66 broke spoke.



Monday 19 September 2011

Start London Syon Park, Brentford TW8 8JG.  Followed River Crane westward, crossed M4, picked up Grand Union canal and back to Brentford. 

20+ miles

Used 11Ah

Brilliant.  New white Pat66 – no problems.  Lunch at the Garden Centre, Syon.

Saturday 1 October 2011

From Chingford, Queen Elizabeth Hunting Lodge, Hawk wood and Yardley Hill – couldn’t get up through Luthers Farm so back round bottom of King George Reservoir, up South Marsh Canal/River Lee to Enfield Island (the old rifle factory), east to High Beach, South through Epping Forest.

16 miles approx

9Ah approx

No problems. Met man with electric bike which was much faster on the flat road but much slower on hills! At High Beach could only just recognise my great uncle’s cinder track, now almost disappeared but the old swimming pool is now restored!



Sunday 16 October 2011

Inkpen, Ham, Wayfarers Way, Oxen wood, Hippenscombe, Upper Chute (pub), Coldridge wood (good) lot of road to Vernham Dean, Little Down, Sheepless Hill, Lower Green

37 miles


Very very steep hills at Wayfarers Way.  Cut out big loop round Combe Hill.

Over ambitious route, aiming for 40+ miles but had to cut out big loop round Combe Hill,  222 tripped twice, Pat66 overheated once.  Both riders knackered!!



Saturday 22 October 2011

Start from Somerton, Duns Tew, Great Tew, South Newington, almost to Epwell – got lost.  Pub at Swalcliffe (good).  Lower Tadmarton and back to South Newington, Netherworton, road to Duns Tew and Somerton.

40.5 miles       


Hard ground, lots of hills, no problems. Met farmer in pub who said there has only been 10 ½ ” of rain all year when there should be 25”.

At the end of the ride we kept riding Pat66 and 222 up the road until both batteries closed down, it happened at 29.4Ah, 222 few minutes earlier.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Great Kimble, Hobb's Hill, Green Hailey, Parslows Hillock, Lily Bottom Lane, Hampden Common, Hampden House, back to Sergeants wood, round the Hangings, view over Princes Risborough down to Lower Cadsden, Pulpit Hill, Pulpit wood - stopped at Chequers, just caught back of David Cameron as he was jogging.  Up to Low Scrubs, Dunsmore, Hampdenleaf wood to The Lee, pub lunch.  back via Wendover Dean, up through Cockshoots wood, couldn't find lane at Cobblershill Farm - spoke to Farmer, down to Little Hampden, Little Hampden Common, Chequers (no David Cameron).  Back up Pond wood (camera on back of head) through Pulpit wood to Great Kimble.

28.5 miles (according to Sat Nav - felt like far more)

28.4 Ah

Video: 'cole-box@Chequers'   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlpI1pQixb8

Music by Stoned Holy Rollers   email: stonedholyrollers@gmail.com

Very muddy and slippery but lovely and sunny, no problems.  Pat 66 motor overheated and tripped out once, Paul fell off five times!! and I hit a fence.  First full day with headcam camera, unfortunately I had it turned off when David Cameron appeared red faced over the stile out of Chequers out for a run with his minders.  Only managed to get a rear view.  The Heinzmann management system closed down the battery rather than the battery's own monitoring system at 28.4 Ah.  Luckily I was on top of the last hill and ran on economy down to the car.

Both 222 and Pat 66 now have the  battery management system altered to avoid so many  trip outs.


Sunday 18 December 2011

Bow Brickhill Park east through Aspley Heath, Aspley Wood, north to Woburn Sands cut corner off to Byway SW back up to Aspley Heath, east again to main road, ¼ mile right to Horse Moor farm and Pinfold pond, right to Job’s farm up to Milton Keynes boundary walk (thought this was end of bridleway going into footpath but no, left through Buttermilk wood to the pub, Flying Fox.  Then north west along A5 for ½ mile, left alongside Rammamare Heath, Oakwood past fish ponds, Alder Farm, Paper Mill farm, north up Grand Union canal almost to Milton Keynes, right to Eaton Leys Leys farm, Little Brickhill, cross A5, left into Broomhills wood, back wood and home!


23 miles

Video: 'cole-box@Brickhill'   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqWt60Vs7yU

Music by: The Rumbajacks   www.littlerumba.com

Paul fell off and broke Sat Nav!

Pat 66 rear brake lever piston circlip came out for no reason, otherwise no problems.



Sunday 22 January 2012

Farthinghoe, Halse, Radstone, Wappenham Lodge Farm through woods, Wappenham, Weedon Lois, Weston, Sulgrave.


24 miles

Video: 'cole-box@Sulgrave' (15mins) only watch if you like lots of gates!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIsslLCCZ6A

Music by: The Rumbajacks   www.littlerumba.com

Good pub and food at The Star in Sulgrave. We had used 24Ah by lunch time so had to road back.  Very muddy and rough in places, both bikes motors overheated 3 or 4 times, used so much battery no chance of completing route and there were 32 gates!


Sunday 29 January 2012

 Turville, south through Great Wood, Shakespear Way almost to Greenlands Dairy farm, then back up to Fawley (interesting Church and Mausoleum) Fawley Bottom, Middle Assendon, Maidensgrove via Warmscombe Lane, Pishill, Turville Pk, Northen, Northend Farm, cut through to Ibstone Common (knackering hill!) left before Ibstone House, Twigside Farm to Chequers Lane, Fingest, Turville. 


24 miles

Video: 'cole-box@Turville'  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkedWzLefT8

Music by: The Rumbajacks   www.littlerumba.com

Cold only1-2 C, very wet and muddy, P66 overheated once, in the afternoon 222 showed only 32 volts compared to Patt 66 35v so cut out last loop via Cadmore End.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Started at the Tower near Stokenchurch, NE to Highwood, Sprig’s Alley, Sunley Wood, Town End, Lodge Hill, Bledlow Ridge, Beacon’s Bottom, Piddington, Ibstone, road back.


26 miles

Video; ‘cole-box@Stokenchurch’   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFkAVthETJk

Music by;  Stoned Holy Rollers   Email:  stonedholyrollers@gmail.com


Tons of hills!!  Had to push/drive bikes up 3.  Very slippery as ground frozen just under the surface.  222 overheated once.  Chain came off 222 otherwise no other problems.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Moreton, Tetsworth, Clare Hill, Easington, Chalgrove, Brightwell Baldwin, Britwell Salome, Ridgeway, Dame Alice lane, Cookley Green, Russell’s Water, Pishill (good pub), Pishill Bottom, Christmas Common, Ridgeway, Lewknor, Aston Rowant, Moreton. 


31 Miles

Video: 'cole-box@Watlington' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSmgbgA6RB8     

Music by: Marcus Flynn http://www.marcusflynn.com  and Stoned Holy Rollers   Email:  stonedholyrollers@gmail.com 


3 bikes, John (see ‘who are we’) and Tony.  Neither killed themselves peddling, hence ran out of Amps 3 miles from

home !! My Pat 66 finished with 25Ah used.  Both Tony and John’s overheated once.

Saturday 3rd March 2012

Moreton – Aston Rowant, Aston Hill – I went straight up steep bit, Robert rode long way round, both met and finished last bit but his bike overheated one hundred yards from the end!  I think the long continuous haul gradually overheats the motor as opposed to driving the bike up the last very steep short bit (giving it a break) helps keep it cooler.  Excellent pub lunch at the Royal Oak in Stokenchurch (behind King’s Hotel).  Ibstone, Twigside Farm,  Gravesend, round Hanger Wood, Fingest, Turville, Northend Farm to Wellground Farm, Hailey Wood, down Hill Road, Ridgeway, A40 to Tetsworth and Moreton.


27 miles

Video:  cole-box@Hanger Wood  Well…..it says ‘Hanger Wood’ but for the second time now the camera failed to record that part of the trip! Great shame as a brilliant track, will try another day.

Music by: Stoned Holy Rollers   Email:  stonedholyrollers@gmail.com

Sunday 15 April 2012

Finmere, Mixbury towards Westbury but west along Westbury Circular Ride, north to Turweston Fields, east following Westbury Circular Route through Biddlesden Park to Biddlesden, SW along Westbury Circular Ride, Westbury to Finmere for pub lunch.  SW through Finmere Plantation, Newton Purcell, west to Shelswell Park, NE back to Finmere.

Not that exciting a ride.  The battery tripped off for no reason in the afternoon on Pat 66 so lost the Ah reading (think it was a loose plug), it was 18 Ah at lunchtime.  Quite flat and boring.  Few good bits, may do a film.......

32.7 V at end of ride.

31 miles (4 ¼ hours on the move – according to Sat Nav!)

Video:  coming soon! Seems to be very jerky, looking into it.

Saturday 12 May 2012

Cookley Green, Swyncombe Hse, Swans Way, Chiltern Way, Digberry Lane, Bushes Lane round Magpies to Nettlebed.  White Hart for lunch (v good). Catslip to Bix, Earl’s Wood, Bromden Farm back up to Crocker End, Kitesgrove Wood, up to Russell’s Water over to Pishill (pronounced Pish-ill, yeah.... I know), Maidensgrove across to Park Corner back down towards Russell’s Water but left up to Cookley Green.


26 miles

Video: 'cole-box@CookleyGreenhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiLL843w7e0

Music by: The Rumbajacks   www.littlerumba.com

Very muddy, Robert’s white Pat overheated twice otherwise no problems.  Nice ride – forgot how nice the Chilterns are!  The bluebells were well past their sell by date, shame.

Sorry the video is a bit jerky in places, take two asprin and watch from a distance. New camera on it's way.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Christmas Common, Firewood towards Stonor, back up to Pishill, Russell’s Water, down to Bix Bottom, back up to Pishill, east to Turville, Fingest, Hanger Wood (still no video as only producing jerky film), Cadmore End, Wheeler End.  Good Pub (Chequers).  Drop down Chipps Hill, through woods to Beacon’s Bottom, Crowell Wood, cross the M40, Langley Green Plantation all south to Northend Farm, back up the road to car.

30 miles


Very, very muddy, tricky in places as the rear wheel slips and turns the bike in another direction.  Good fun though!  New white Pat66 overheated three times (Pete – new rider, got the hang of it in the end) my Pat66 overheated once, also tripped off for no reason once – wiped off Ah reading.  Good day – knackering trying to keep up with Pete!


Tuesday 12 June 2012

From Thame, Towersey, Ilmer, back to Phoenix Trail, Loosley Row – good pub at The Whip.  Parlow’s Hillock, past Chequers and up to Dunsmore along the ridge, drop down to Hampden Bottom, along Grim’s Ditch back to Princes Risborough and Phoenix.


35 miles      Never seen it so wet, often 9-10” of water on the path; amazed bikes kept going. Tony’s white Pat cut out twice – think this was my fault as I had not taken out a connection due to not using a Heinzmann battery but there was a smidge of water in the plug which I have now sealed up properly, Heinzmann used to seal them but missed this one!!

An excellent day.  All three of us thought the best so far.  Just like the old motor bike trail riding days!! Shame I am waiting for a new camera, would have made a great video.

Sunday 22 July 2012

From Thame, Phoenix trail to Princes Risborough, Loosley Row, Parslow’s Hillock.

We went up a bridleway opposite Lily Bank farm, the muddiest track we have ever done, the 222 cut out near the top. Managed to push it on to the road and decided it was a control box problem. Funnily enough it would work if it was on the move, managed to limp home via the Phoenix. Replaced the box the following day and it’s fine. Not related to the mud just an age issue!

24 miles


Friday 3rd August 2012

Portreath, Cornwall to Tehidy Park, Reskadinnick, Menadarva, Merry Meeting, Barripper, Botetoe road following the valley. Carwynnen then NE to Troon, Carnkie, round Carn Brea and followed old railway line (where it existed) back to Portreath.

32 miles


Video: 'cole-box @ Portreath. Cornwall'   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8ndfToMc5U

Music by: Stoned Holy Rollers   Email:  stonedholyrollers@gmail.com

Easier than I thought it would be, a nice muddy bit west of Penponds but as usual the new camera failed to work on the best bits! No problems except no pub when we needed it!

Monday 20th August

Churchill north to Salford, Little Rollright and Little Compton then south to Cornwell, Lower Oddington, Bledington, Nether Westcote and back to Churchill.

35 miles

24Ah (guessing!!)

Video: 'cole-box @ Churchillhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tj-eu1u3o4U

Music by: The The Tango Band   http://www.littlerumba.com/

A lot of bland tracks but with some interesting bits in between. 222 had chain problems both collected lots of hay and overheated once up a steep soft hill.

Friday 31st August

Rotherfield Peppard to Kingswood Common, Basset Wood, Lackmore Wood up the A4074 left into Abbot’s Wood, round Common Wood, SE to Nuney Green, over Goring Heath to Collin’s End, almost to Mapledurham, N to Cane End, Nippers Grove back to Kingswood.

20 miles

17 Ah

Video: 'cole-box @ Rotherfield Peppardhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9brS0MnsyI

Music by: The The Tango Band   http://www.littlerumba.com/

We had to skip one third of the ride as the 222’s seat post clamp broke when fitting the seat so trip into Henley (good bike shop) but traffic horrendous. Perhaps too many woods but always a good riding area. No problems otherwise.

Friday 7th Sept 2012

Pusey plus 400 yards!!

222 battery stopped working, Paul’s sat nav stopped working, an almighty bang as his front tyre blew a hole, then lost sat nav memory card. A great day!!


5 months later we're back. We had a lot of problems with faulty battery cells which hopefully has been overcome now by building test rigs which can identify problem cells before they go into service. We can also match cells together giving a better Ah performance, as with most problems, a stronger position comes from it.



Saturday 16th February 2013

After a long time sorting all the batteries out we are back! Pusey, Charney Bassett, Stanford in the Vale, Fernham, Faringdon- good lunch and back to Pusey.

18 miles


Video: cole-box @ pusey http://youtu.be/wFljtdaK-fA

Music by: Stoned Holy Rollers   Email:  stonedholyrollers@gmail.com

Ground was saturated, heavy going everywhere, theoretical route of 30 miles. This time completed first loop but ground too soft, soaking up energy for second stage. No problems, overheated a couple of times understandably, but thought the bikes did very well considering the conditions.

Tuesday 5th March

From Nettlebed, Highmoor, almost Stoke Row, south to Kingswood Common, SW to Nippers Grove, crossed A4074, down B4526, left Hawhill Wood to Nuney Wood, Mapledurham, NW alongside river through Bottom Wood to Hill Bottom, N to Little Oaken Wood. NE to Exlade Street, NE to Checkendon, Stoke Row (good pub The Cherry Tree), over to Bix and Bix Common, back to Nettlebed.

29 miles

No idea how many Ah (pulled the plug before I read the meter!)

Mistake cycling with a man who lives on a bicycle I could barely keep up all day.  Wonderful ground conditions, mostly dry with the odd interesting bog.  Very handy cycling with a man who knows every pub in the Chilterns.  Brilliant day.  No problems.

Video: cole-box @ Nettlebed http://youtu.be/fN-5nd8Eqng

Music by: Stoned Holy Rollers   Email:  stonedholyrollers@gmail.com

Saturday 20th April 2013

Somerton, Middle Aston, Sandford St Martin, Radford, Glympton, Steeple Barton, Heyford Station and back up the canal to Somerton.

30 miles

23 Ah

Video; cole-box @ Somerton http://youtu.be/fEblRDqNAt0

 Excellent day, lovely weather, no problems except my front forks are rattling! No mud, what a change! Paul does a lot more riding than me and left me this picture of his previous ride!


Wednesday 19th June 2013

 Thame, Phoenix trail to Towersey, cross country to Ilmer, Bishopstoke and Aylesbury. Used their good cycle path over the railway line and found the start of Aylesbury canal at the back of the Swan theatre. Followed it to Wilstone for good lunch then Little Tring and eventually found the right path for the Wendover canal. Over Coombe Hill, past Chequers, Risborough back on Phoenix trail to Thame.

43 miles


John had trouble with his battery shutting down and turned for home. We had Mr Superfit with us on his own bike; hence we stuck to canals most of the time. A good day, no other problems.

Video: cole-box@Aylesbury  http://youtu.be/h-LWnsVmqP4

Music by: The The Tango Band http://www.littlerumba.com/

Music by: Stoned Holy Rollers   Email:  stonedholyrollers@gmail.com

Film editor: Derek

Thursday 15th August 2013

Acton, back of Wormwood Scrubs, onto Grand Union Canal down to Paddington Station, Hyde Park, Buckingham Palace, back of No 10! Over Westminster Bridge, up the Thames past Battersea power station, through Battersea Park, Wandsworth Park, Barnes, to Kew Bridge, then north via Gunnersbury Park back to Acton.

27 miles

11.5 Ah

 OK, hardly need a mountain bike for this but just a fascinating ride, all the old house boats, little inlets and harbours all festering away, umpteen coffee stops, brilliant.



Sunday 18th August 2013

Somerton, Duns Tew, Sandford St Martin, Radford, Over Kiddington, Kingswood, Wootton (pub stop), Tackley, Lower Heyford (nice tea stop) and back to Somerton.

33 miles


 Hardly any road except to the pub, no problems, lovely day.

Monday 9th September 2013

Scar House reservoir to Arkleside Moor, Arkleside, Woodale, Hunters Stone, west towards Starbotton, turning south to Kettlewell. After lunch NNE up the Woodale and Arkleside road turning NE to Hem Gill Shaw and High Pasture back to Scar House.

Lost mileage and Ah!

Video: cole-box@scar house   http://youtu.be/rExVhMysJW8

Music by: The The Tango Band   http://www.littlerumba.com/

So glad I never took a motor bike on High Pasture! Bikes overheated a couple of times on the long road haul out of Kettlewell towards Arkleside. Getting across High Pasture was hard going with lots of soft ground often easier to walk alongside the bike. At least as a last resort we knew we could always carry the bikes over any major obstacle. No breakdowns.

My apologies for no log for a while. I have been very busy on another project.

Thursday 17th July 2014

Lee Valley White Water Centre, High Beach (Epping Forest) then south all the way, Woodford Golf Course, Highams Park, Upper Walthamstow, Wanstead Flats, Forest Gate. 1 ½ miles of road work to the Olympic Stadium, marvel at the Velodrome, amazing photography by yours truly off the aquadrome glass. North bound all the way via the Lee Valley canal.

38 miles


Hardly need a mountain bike for this one but good fun and almost all off road despite being in London. No problems.

Video: cole-box @ Olympics  http://youtu.be/n8p74iVQA6Q

Music by: The The Tango Band http://www.littlerumba.com/

Music by: Stoned Holy Rollers   Email:  stonedholyrollers@gmail.com

Film editor: Derek

Sunday 31st August 2014

Sommerton, Middle Aston, Sandford St Martin, Radford, Over Kiddington, Charlbury, Stonesfield and back via Glympton, Steeple Barton, Lower Heyford and canal towpath home.

38 miles


Don’t know why but seemed to use the amps, guess there were a lot of hills that go unnoticed on an electric bike!

Thursday 11th September 2014

Back to Lee Valley White Water Centre, this time heading north. First to Holyfield, up Puck Lane and along the ridge to Long Green, road work through Lower Nazing, Broxbourne (good pub), west to Broxbourne Woods, north along the Roman road to Hertford Heath, road it to Hertford. Return via the Lee Valley canal.

34 miles


Not quite as interesting as going south to the Olympic Park but worth a nose round. Again didn't need an electric mountain bike but just so easy peasy.

Saturday 11th October 2014

Aldbury, east over Albury Common, Ashridge College (impressive building), north to Little Gaddesden, SE down road, NE to Hudnall Common (keep on left side of hedge down hill), north to Studham, Whipsnade (puncture), Old Hunters Lodge in Whipsnade for lunch (best ever). Dunstable Downs, Edlesborough, SW to Invinghoe, NW on B488 to Grand Union canal, south down canal past Bulbourne, L past Marsh Croft Fm, SE Westland Fm back to Aldbury.

28 miles


Far better ride than expected, saw lots of deer in Ashridge wood, lovely people in Whipsnade, I was even lent the Rolls Royce of stirrup pumps for my puncture, no problems otherwise. Fantastic pub, best grub ever.

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