seriously strong electric mountain bikes




Ride Outs

Because you have no idea what you are buying here; we are offering 'ride out' days. We can take a few of you to the Chiltern Hills and let you see for yourselves what the bikes are capable of and their limitations.

You will need to book; see ‘contact us’, it will cost £75 for the day with a returnable deposit of £200 on the bike.

The ride starts at 10.30 am with an introduction to your bike, an easy ride to the hills, some beautiful lanes in the hills, a pub lunch stop (you have to buy your own food and drink mind) more stunning lanes and return by 4 pm’ish. Don’t count on this time, there’s always punctures etc. to extend the day!

You are in no way obliged to buy a bike; it is done for the fun. If you like it; you can always do it again.

We can arrange a 'ladies only day' (even led by a lady) if you wish.

Rain showers are fine but there is no fun in riding if it is going to rain all day. If we feel it is right to cancel the day then we will attempt to do it the following week or you can have a full refund, your decision.


  • made in Britain
  • using the world championship Orange* frame
  • reliable British made Hope* brakes
  • respected Heinzmann* motor
  • our cole-box battery


We build up from a used Orange frame (to save on price), new or used Hope brakes, mazocchi shiver front forks with all new running gear, wheels, electrics and our cole-box battery.


Each bike is individually built and depending on sourcing parts, prices start from £5,2500 (2020)


If you or your boss hold a Consumer Credit licence, it might be worth looking at this for a possible tax free purchase.



You can left click on the links below to see how the bikes  manage with different terrain. Then click on the "You Tube" symbol (bottom right corner) to get on the "You Tube" page, finally left click on the blue head and shoulders symbol for more films.

OK. This one you don’t need such a high spec all singing, all dancing electric mountain bike but it was an interesting ride. Going down into London to the Olympic Park just using parks, commons, canal and river paths.

Trying to find the start of the Aylesbury canal and struggling to find the Wendover arm. A ‘Mr Superfit’ joined us with his own standard bike.

This is the first part of a Yorkshire trip from 2013, I used to trail ride this area with a motor bike for many years and was always warned never to try this one. So glad I took their advice!

This is the second part of the Yorkshire trip in 2013.

When in YouTube click on the 'go back one page' arrow, top left corner, to get back to this page.

For more video ride outs; go to the 'bike's log' page and scroll down to the last dozen or so entries.

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